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SuperBowl Sunday

SuperBowl Sunday is a day which obviously has a big impact on millions of individuals, not just Americans, but across the globe. Whether you are a football fan or not, SuperBowl Sunday is likely to have even the most minute impact on your life in some way, shape or form.

In 2002, SuperBowl Sunday was pushed back a week due to the tragedies of late 2001. Evacuation drills were done and re-done numerous times and security was at an all time high. With America still a bit on edge, SuperBowl Sunday 2003 also went by without incident, as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers walked away with top honors.

How does SuperBowl Sunday compare to other big event / party times of the year: Halloween ranks first in candy sales, beating out Easter and Valentine's Day. Besides Christmas, Halloween is also the biggest reason that people actually decorate their homes, but yeah not many SuperBowl fans may like to decorate. And, finally, Halloween is the third-largest party day behind New Year's Eve AND Super Bowl Sunday.

How about this interesting look at how one lady plans to spend her birthday on SuperBowl Sunday 2007: Miami banker Adrienne Arsht has big plans for her 65th birthday on February 4, 2007. On that date, Miami will host Super Bowl Sunday and Arsht is planning a good ole down-to-earth celebration in her home. (Info source: Miami Herald)

In helping you plan for this wonderful day we're happy to bring you some superbowl sunday party tips. Make it a good one America, check out our great superbowl party tips and remember, if you drink, be sure not to drive!