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SuperBowl Tickets

General sales of SuperBowl tickets to the public for the 2006 game are sadly, no longer available. According to, the only method the NFL has to distribute tickets to the public is through a random drawing. The primary means of distribution is through each NFL team. There are no other means for the general public to purchase tickets, at least not from any official vendor. The NFL does not sell tickets to travel or ticket agents, so don't let yourself get fooled by anyone.
Entries for the random drawing are accepted between February 1 and June 1 of the year preceding the game in question. Which means, yes it's too late for this year but not too late for next year! All ticket requests must be sent via certified or registered mail. So to recap, requests for SuperBowl tickets for next year, the game to be played in February 2007 will be accepted beginning February 1, 2006.

If they haven't changed too much from last year, requests should be sent to:
SuperBowl Random Drawing
PO Box 16400
Mascoutah, IL 62224-6400
I found out that only one request per address is accepted, or even looked at. And it would be a little silly to send multiple requests in from made up addresses. How would you ever get the tickets?

If your looking for SuperBowl XL tickets for the upcoming match, there are still a few available from other sources. We provide no guarantee, have no affiliation with, and aren't buying our tickets from: here

But they do claim to have some left. Good luck guys, I'm putting in for the random draw this February.